vendredi 27 juillet 2007

A Paris on va voir Victor Hugo au Pantheon, a Hong Kong, on va voir Bruce Lee sur la promenade des stars.


Regarde Clement, a deux jours de ton birthday, si c'est pas vrai tout ca... Luc, cherie, tu dois nous cacher quelquechose...

Pour les taureaux, clairement la meilleure semaine de l'annee!! Enfin de la caresse! Allez Christel, c'est encore meilleur a deux mois d'une naissance!

Leo: Barbara Sher's self help tome is called "I could do anything if i only knew what it was: how to discover what you really want and how to get it". (...) Every one of us periodically needs to revisit the mode described in the book's title. For instance, maybe you've accomplished a dream you've worked on for months or years, and require a jumpstart as you see your next project. Or maybe some desire that motivated you for a long time has faded in its intensity, and you're feeling blah and apathetic, in need of redirection.

Libra: i'd love to see you call your own bluff and blow your own cover. I'm hoping you'll stop hiding your assets and keeping so many secrets. And i really, really wish you would come out of the closet not just about your unique gender identity, but also about the other idiosyncratic twists and turns that make you who you are. Please stop being afraid of revealing your beauty, Libra - even the work in progress aspects of your beauty. It's time to close the gap between the real you and the images people have of you.

Sagittarius: your astrological omens are similar to those experienced by Oscar-winning actress Judi Dench back in February 2002. At that time, she was moved to make a dramatic revelation to film mogul Harvey Weinstein. In the midst of of a party, she pulled down her pants to reveal her naked ass, revealing a temporary lipstick tattoo that read:" i love Harvey Weinstein". I'm guessing you might be inspired to unveil a comparable surprise in the coming days, Sagittarius. At the very least, i expect you'll find some intriguing ways to express your affection and demonstrate your ardor.

Taurus: for a limited time only, you have cosmic permission to suck your thumb and drool freely and murmur "gaga" over and over again. More than that: you have a poetic license to spend expansive periods rocking back and forth while curled into the fetal position, either under the covers or on the beach, while singing little made-up songs about everything you love. The moment has arrived, in other words, to give yourself permission to melt into a pool of primal goo as you commune with the music of the spheres and tune in to the hymn of your deepest longings.

Virgo: the modern war between science and spirituality seems laughable in light of the life of sir Isaac Newton. His discoveries in the realm of physics, mathematics and astronomy were so seminal and so numerous that he's regarded as the most influential scientist in history. Many refer to him as the greatest genius who ever lived. And yet Newton's central passions were alchemy and the Bible, about which he wrote millions of words, far more than what he devoted to his scientific interests. "gravity explains the motions of the planets" he wrote, "but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done". I suggest you make Newton your role model, Virgo. It's a favourable time to forge a new spirit of cooperation between the two parts of your psyche - let's call them the rational and the transcendent - which so many of today's thinkers have told you cannot possibly co-exist.

mercredi 25 juillet 2007

Goldfish market, Kowloon, c'est drole, ici on voit plein de poissons morts dans les sacs pas vendus a temps, et a cote, au vrai marche, on n'a d'yeux que pour les anguilles coupees en deux ou les poissons reduits a leurs branchies qui bougent encore...
Un magasin : pour bien visualiser que l'espace coute cher a HK...

mardi 24 juillet 2007

Les gouters de maman a la banque

Vivement demain et la summer ice cream party, avec deux boules par personne!

Les soirees d'Adrien

Ils sont tres precoces a HK a la garderie...

lundi 23 juillet 2007

La vue de l'autre cote (avec toujours cette grande tour qui me sert de bureau, la a droite, comme repere)... Alors, pour ceux qui pourraient prendre peur, on n'habite pas du tout par la!

lundi 16 juillet 2007

Je vous aurai prevenus.

Pourvu que les chinois se mettent pas en froid avec des gens qui auraient l'idee de detourner des avions contre des grandes tours, ou alors qu'ils fassent ca a noel ou tout en haut autour du 88e etage (mais 88 ca porte bonheur il parait), pas touche au 62e en tout cas.

Queue pour les soldes chez Vuitton, dimanche. Bande de cons? Si ces gens ont vraiment de l'argent, c'est qu'ils font ca pour le plaisir, et si ca leur fait vraiment plaisir, qu'ils font ca en famille, et qu'en plus ca cree des emplois a HK et rapporte de l'argent a la France (encore un peu), en fait, tout va bien, non?
Allez, bordel, si ca vous fait pas reagir ca, je vous mets plus que des photos de piscine ou de pandas! Et comme le suggerait Letchi, meme plus besoin de s'enregistrer pour lacher un rale.

dimanche 8 juillet 2007


Parce que cette semaine, ils sont tout simplement geniaux (independamment du signe, malgre qqs petits bonheurs tres appropries - et Luc tu dois absolument lire jusqu'au bout), en voici une selection :

Sagittarius: "After studying the astrological omens and consulting with an elite panel of 20 village idiots, my team of horoscope experts has determined that at least once in the coming week you would be wise to wander around town with no particular goal, responding with innocent enthusiasm and hungry curiosity to whatever scenarios you happen to stumble upon, pleased to be eductaed by the random flow of stimuli that come your way. If you don't have the courage or leisure to pull that off, here's the second best strategy: go someplace you've never been and do things you've never done. Third best: spend an entire day being naked."

Cancer: "to celebrate your ramble through the most wildly independent phase of your astrological cycle, i'm offering you three inspirational quotes. The first one is from poet e.e.cummings:"to be nobody but yourself in a world that is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle that any human being can fight." Your second shot of motivation is from Clarissa Pinkola Estes:"If you have ever been called defiant, incorrigible, forward, cunning, insurgent, unruly, or rebellious, you're on the right track. If you have never been called these things, there is yet time." Lastly, here's a Hindu proverb:"There is nothing noble in being superior to some other person. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self."

Virgo: ""The things that can destroy us," said Gandhi, "are politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; and worship without sacrifice." You virgos are better than most signs at avoiding 6 of those dangers. The one you're most prone to get tripped up by is knowledge without character. The coming weeks will be an excellent time to check in with yourself to see if you're guilty of that flaw, and then, if you find a shortfall, take steps to correct it. Make sure that you're not only being smart, but also wise."

Taurus: ""Don't cross a bridge until you come to it", advises the old adage. But is that reality a good idea? The fact is that the world belongs to people who have crossed bridges in their imaginations long before those bridges existed. Let that be your guiding thought in the coming weeks, Taurus. Start visualising, contemplating, and building in your mind's eye a certain bridge you want to make abundant use in 2008."

Libra:"It's Welcome Your Challenges with Open Arms Week. To take maximum advantage of this festive occasion, practice being grateful for your interesting difficulties; remind yourself of how much smarter and stronger they can make you. Celebrate the riddles and dilemnas that have helped and continue to help transform you into such a uniquely gorgeous creature. Now study these words of wisdom from playwright Theodore Rubin:"The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem"."

Parfois, je me demande ce qui me fait me lever le matin ;-)

Qualite de vie ?

C'est trop dur cette piscine en bas qui est presque toujours vide, surtout quand il fait chaud et beau comme ce week end...

(mais si, ca me fait me lever le matin... enfin quand on n'a pas trop bu la veille)
Pour mettre fin a ce prejuge enormement faux qu'il n'y a pas de verdure a HK. Mais ou croyez-vous qu'elle va, toute cette eau qui nous tombe dessus tout l'ete???

Merci l'angleterre

Pour les 10 ans de la retrocession de HK a la Chine, les jeunes ont mis les bouchees doubles sur leurs 21 pour les competitions de dragon boat... illustrant qu'ils passent surement moins de temps a travailler leur musculature qu'ils n'en passent a l'ecole ou dans les magasins...

mercredi 4 juillet 2007

Bon anniversaire Maman!!


mais nooooon je n'ai pas change....
(le reconfort dans le materiel)
humour australien
(le reconfort dans l'alcool)

( "no bad whores, just bad laws")

si on peut meme pas bosser tranquille

on comprend qu'il leur faille beaucoup d'humour en effet, vu comment leurs putes sont habillees...

(le reconfort n'a que 2 mamelles)